The chief choreographer of the "Zlatna Trakia" folk ensemble, Zlatka Timonova, has a BG birthday

The choreographer of "Golden Thrace" rarely blows out candles at home, the tour this year precedes the holiday
The choreographer of the ensemble "Zlatna Trakia" Zlatka Timonova will raise a toast in Haskovo today. The charming lady relatively rarely celebrates her birthday in Bulgaria, since at the beginning of August, she is usually on tour abroad with her graduates. However, this year, the performances of the Haskovo "Golden Thracians" ended before Timonova's personal holiday, and she will welcome relatives and friends at home. At the beginning of July, we participated with the big group in two festivals in Romania. We returned from the forum in Baile Herculane with an impressive plaster figure of Hercules, Timonova said. In Timisoara, the festival was extremely representative, with many Romanian and foreign ensembles. The hosts, although they are not professionals, but self-made, rely on solid help from the state and have everything they need for work and performances abroad, commented the choreographer from Haskovo. Timonova boasted an invitation to a pageant festival in Dijon, France, next year. The French ensemble was very impressed by the costumes, dances and craftsmanship of our people. In Timișoara they also made a studio recording of us with 3 cameras for the television, presented us to the local audience and with two radio interviews, added Timonova. This is the second trip abroad for "Golden Thrace" this year. We remind you that in April the children's formation was at a festival in Ayden, Turkey. The ensemble, which has a nearly 20-year history, for another year is included in the Children's Day celebrations in our southern neighbor. Women in Art "SWAN", which took place in the spring in Sofia. Apart from her, Haskovo had its own worthy female presence at the national forum in the capital, in the form of Tatiana Foreva, Tanya Evtimova, Marieta Despova, Desi Dimova. Zlatka Timonova is a director-choreographer, she graduated from the Academy of Music, Dance and Fine Arts - Plovdiv in 1982

Вече тридесет и две години работи по специалността , като двадесет и две от тях, като художествен ръководител на фолклорен танцов ансамбъл "Златна Тракия" - Хасково. Преобладаващата част от танцовия репертоар на трупата са нейни авторски танци.
Vesela Todorova | 05.08.2011 |